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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

CDVPlugin not found/Mach -o error while archiving or exporting ipa of ionic/cordova apps

When you have a plugin written in swift in your ionic/cordova app, it builds but when archive or export it returns CDVPlugin not found error. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue.
Note: Run all ionic commands build, add etc using sudo only.
Ex: sudo ionic build ios
As we are moving code from windows to mac, permissions are arising.
  1. In terminal change give permissions
$ Sudo chown –R:staff <your folder path>
$  sudo chown –R 777 *
  1. Now go to Target-> build settings
    1. Look for RunPaths and add below if it’s not there:

    1. Now look for Header Search Paths and add the below:

    1. Set Enable Bit code to No

    1. In Deployment section, clear Install Owner and Groups

  1. Now go to Build Phases and
    1. Empty Embedded Frameworks, (if any swift plugins are there)

  1. Go to general and in frameworks add UIKit if not added

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Markers with different colors in ionic using angularJS, Centering the map

for getting maps in maps in ionic project follow steps in this post

now lets see
1. how to center the map to your screen
2. place markers of different colors
3. increase bounds of your map
4. Show window/message on click of marker

1. Centering the map to current location:

var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
var mapOptions = {
 center: latLng,
 zoom: 15,
 mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

                $ = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);

here getCurrentPositions return the lattitude (lat) and longitude (lon) of my current place.
i will use it in my map options to center it. highlighted above line will set my current location to center my map.

2&3. Place Markers:
lets say i want to place markers in my below lat, lons

var latlons = [{lat:"12.9450362",lon:"77.6970354",title:"msg1"},{lat:"12.9550364",lon:"77.6890356",title:"msg2"},{lat:"12.9950366",lon:"77.6800358",title:"msg3"}];

create a pin to show the marker:

var RedPinColor = "FE7569";
var RedPinImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage("|" + RedPinColor,
new google.maps.Size(21, 34),
new google.maps.Point(0,0),
new google.maps.Point(10, 34));

var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); //for increase/decrease zoom

for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
var data = markers[i];
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, data.long);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myLatlng,
map: $,
title: data.title,

i am adding bounds which will help me in increase/decrese zoom of my map according to the markers i am adding.

the pin Image can be changed as you need, below are 2 ex:
var GreenPinColor = "69fe75";//"FE7569";
var YellowPinColor = "FFFF00";
var RedPinColor = "FE7569";
var RedPinImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage("|" + RedPinColor,
new google.maps.Size(21, 34),
new google.maps.Point(0,0),
new google.maps.Point(10, 34));
var YellowPinImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage("|" + YellowPinColor,
new google.maps.Size(21, 34),
new google.maps.Point(0,0),
new google.maps.Point(10, 34));
var GreenPinImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage("|" + GreenPinColor,
new google.maps.Size(21, 34),
new google.maps.Point(0,0),
new google.maps.Point(10, 34));
var pinShadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage("",
new google.maps.Size(40, 37),
new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
new google.maps.Point(12, 35));

Display window/message on click of markers:
google maps offers a InfoWindow to display message on click of markers created above.

the below line create a infowindow.
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

now need to bind to click event of marker. let see how to do it in a loop (as most of us need to do in looping always)
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
var data = markers[i];
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, data.long);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myLatlng,
map: $,
title: data.title,

//Attach click event to the marker.
(function (marker, data) {
var infoWindowContent = "<div style = 'width:200px;min-height:40px'>"+"<p>" + data.DisplayName + "</p>"
+ "<button ng-click="+"\""+"MarkerClick('"+data.SensorName+"')"+"\""+">"+"Schedule Pick"+"</button>"+"</div>";
var compiled = $compile(infoWindowContent)($scope);
// console.log(compiled["body"]);
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (e) {
//Wrap the content inside an HTML DIV in order to set height and width of InfoWindow.
infoWindow.setContent(compiled[0]);$, marker);
})(marker, data);

after a marker is created, using a function and creating a content to be displayed on its click: infoWindwContent

as angular restricts direct html binding need to compile it before attaching it to my window using $compile service. sometimes if the html is unsafe you may need to use $sce service to bind unsafe html.

use setContent to set create content info window
open actually assigns the map and marker to which this infowindow to be attached

using Google Maps in Ionic/Web project

its a simple two step process

1. to use google maps in your project, you should get a api key from google console
2. install cordova GeoLocationAPI
2. add a div and from javascript bind map to it.

1.Creating API key:
1. go to
2. from the top nav bar  project->create project
3. go to use google api
4. select google maps api for javascript
5. enable it and to get the api key you need credentials to be created
6. click on credentials in the left pane
7. click on create credentials (blue button)
8. click on API Key
9. select android as i was trying for an android app
10. give a name to the key and click create.
11. copy the API key it is required for the next step

2. install GeoLocation plugin
          ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation

3. Adding to your project:
 in your ion-view (can be any html need not be ionic) add a div with an id which wanted to use to load map.
<ion-view view-title="Find Near by Bins" ng-controller="FindNearByViewCtrl">
<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
      <i class="ion-log-out" style="font-size:2.2em" ng-click="doLogout()"></i>
 <ion-nav-buttons side="left">
      <i class="ion-loop" style="font-size:2.2em" ng-click="doRefresh()"></i>
<div id="map" data-tap-disabled="true"></div>

in your controllers, add the below piece to bind map to #map.
var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
var latLng1 = new google.maps.LatLng(19.1759668, 72.79504659999998);
console.log(""+position.coords.latitude+"---"+ position.coords.longitude);
var mapOptions = {
 center: latLng1,
 zoom: 15,
 mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
               $ = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);

thats it displays google map in your project

toggle buttons with ionic

ionic is for mobile apps and toggle button is a common control which is widely used for yes/no, select/unselect purposes. lets see how to use it.

ionic has a tag called, ion-toggle which is used for showing and handling toggle button events. use this in your html:

<ion-toggle ng-model="checked" 
ng-change="TogglePanel(checked)" class="TransparentBG">
<span ng-class="DynHubStatus" class="CategoryTitle">Air</span>

ng-model: checked is to set true or false
ng-change triggers change event and TogglePanel function will be called on change
by default it comes with white background, use css to change that.
in code behind:
$scope.TogglePanel = function(toStatus){
   //use the event to perform your required events.

ng-model checked will be set to true on turning on and to false on turning off the button

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Charts with AngularJS/Ionic

angular has plugins which support several kinds of charts. one among them is

lets see how to use it:
1. download the package from the above link
2. include css and js
      <link href="css/angular-chart.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
     <script src="js/Chart.min.js"></script>
3. use it in html
    <canvas id="line" class="chart chart-line" data="data" labels="labels" legend="true" options="{showTooltips: false}"></canvas>

initialize values in your controller:
    $scope.labels = ["Jan", "","","Feb","","", "Mar", "","Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
    // $scope.series = ['Series A', 'Series B'];
    $ = [
        [13, 15,12,18,22,24,21,25]


the library also supports gant,bar etc charts follow the above steps to use it.

Sliders with AngularJS/Ionic

angular has growing no.of plugins. it has good  plugin called rzslider. to work with sliders
here is the link to it:

lets see how to use it:
i want a slider to select a time range of start time to end time, so my slide will look like this:
here is the html:
1. download the package from above link or you can use npm to install to your project folder
2. add the css and js files in header
         <link href="css/rzslider.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <script src="js/rzslider.js"></script>
3. include slide tag in your page
        <rzslider rz-slider-model="minRangeSlider.minValue" rz-slider-                       high="minRangeSlider.maxValue" rz-slider-options="minRangeSlider.options"></rzslider>

mignRangeSlider is initialized in angular code behind.
$scope.minRangeSlider = {
        minValue: 8,
        maxValue: 18,
        options: {
            floor: 0,
            ceil: 24,
            step: 1
thats it. it has several sliders, using the same steps you can use them.

working with DateTimes in nodejs/find difference between two datetimes

this is about playing with DateTimes in NodeJS. Javascript has good no.of datetime functions but to simplify it a bit more we can use moment npm package which offers a rich set of datetime functions.

to install it use  npm install moment --save

sample usage:

var StartTS = moment("Wed Mar 25 2015 01:00:00 GMT",'YYYY-M-DD HH:mm:ss');
var EndTS = moment("Wed Mar 26 2015 12:19:43 GMT",'YYYY-M-DD HH:mm:ss');
the above create dates like 2016-03-24 01:00:00 format.

to find difference between the above two use the below:
var secondsDiff = EndTS.diff(StartTS, 'seconds')

it returns the time difference in seconds. this is simple handy.

connecting to documentdb from nodejs using bluemix/azure

Problem Statement:
I want to connect to documentdb using nodejs run time. i will be receiving a POST request and i have to add time stamp to it and store it in azure's document db.

we need to include a couple of npm packages to get it.
--save is important as we need to upload it to azure for hosting. sometimes those npm packages installtion may fail in cloud.

npm install express --save //for expressJS, which exposes services
npm install cfenv --save //for bluemix hosting, if you are hosting in some other cloud it can be ignored
npm install body-parser --save //for reading the received request
npm install documentdb --save //for documentdb functions.
npm install async --save //for making request
npm install moment --save //for dealing with time stamps

then, need to make connections and run queries, here is the code for it. use this link to see some samples. first lets see how to list all documents in my collection using queries.

1. Create client
2. create your required query.
3. queryDocuments

var client = new DocumentClient(host, {masterKey: mymasterkey});
//masterKey can be found in your azure document db.
var querySpec = {query: 'SELECT * FROM CTransactions c order by c.TimeStamp desc'};
//i am listing all transactions from my collection in descending order
client.queryDocuments(collLinkTransactions, querySpec).toArray(function (err, results) {
else if(results.length==0){
res.end("Not Started");
else {
                      //use the data as you want

collLinkTransactions is the url link to my documentdb collection.
i am returning the query result in an array and if no errors and length is>0 i will process it and send to my client.

here is the complete code:
run it using> node app.js
complete can be found here

Create Row every after 2 item in Angular ng-repeat - Ionic Grid/ tiles in ionic

Problem Statement:
i am having my elements which are to be shown in two column tiles. my data binding will be done dynamically from angular code behind. i can divide my row into columns but keeping data into that column in an ng-repeat is the challenge.

solution is simple, use angulars inbuilt variable $even of $index and show column for $index and $index+1 in column 1 and column 2 respectively.

for every even index 2 column will be set with $index and next elements and in odd index loop will not go in. problem solved. below is the sample code

<div class="row" ng-repeat="sensors in SecurityDevices" ng-if="$even">
<div class="col col-49" >
<div class="imageIcon">
<img src="/img/devices/fire.png">
<div class="DeviceName">{{SecurityDevices[$index].Model}}</div>
<div class="FriendlyName">Kids Room</div>
<div class="col col-49" >
<div class="imageIcon">
<img src="/img/devices/motion.png">
<div class="DeviceName">{{SecurityDevices[$index+1].Model}}</div>
<div class="FriendlyName">Kids Room</div>

maintain two divs same width and height angular/ionic

Problem Statement:
I have two divs and i need to maintain them at some height always. one expands its size decreases based in dynamic content that will be loaded and  the other has to increase/decrease its height accordingly.

my elements are the below:
1. <div round-progress master


<div class="item AirDivs AirMeterFill" ng-style="Airstyle">
      <div style="height:30%; background-color: rgba(195, 7, 15, 0.09);border-top: 3px solid     #DC0D29;font-size:smaller;text-align: center;">
<div>poor: 8</div>

according to size of 1st element i want to set height of 2nd element using angularJS/Ionic.

It can be achieved through angular directives easily. Use below directive to set it

.directive('master',function () { //declaration
  function link(scope, element, attrs) { //scope we are in, element we are bound to, attrs of that element
   scope.$watch(function(){ //watch any changes to our element
     scope.Airstyle = { //scope variable style, shared with our controller
     height:element[0].offsetHeight-35+'px', //set the height in style to our elements height
     // width:element[0].offsetWidth+'px' //same with width
 return {
  restrict: 'AE', //describes how we can assign an element to our directive in this case like <div master></div
  link: link // the function to link to our element

  • i am having a directive called master which can be a element/attribute - defined by restrict
  • i am linking it using my link function, where i will be watching for any change of my master (1st element) 
  • when the height of master changes i am setting ng-style of  my other div.
  • i can get of height of 1st element using offsetHeight html property. 


Saturday, 20 February 2016

$state.go problem in iOS9

there is a bug in web view in ios 9. $state.go is not working or sometimes screen flickers.

to resolve this a patch was released by the ionic team.
to use this:
1. add the js file at in your index.html
2. add the depency to your module in app.js.
angular.module('starter', ['ionic','starter.controllers','','starter.modules','ngCordova','ngIOS9UIWebViewPatch'])
more info@

Opening other apps from your using cordova

  • Cordova uses UrlSchemes to open other apps.
  • URL schemes for ios and android will be different,

ex: for opening skype(lync), urlscheme for
           ios: lync:// or sip://

additionally to know the UrlScheme of an app for android you can look at the url of the app in google play store.

URL Schemes for some popular apps
ios android
sip:// or lync://
yammer:// com.yammer.v1

for opening these apps, we have a good plugin called lampa:

to install the plugin use,
ionic plugin add com.lampa.startapp

to use the plugin use the following code:

if(device.platform === 'iOS') 
scheme = 'lync://';
else if(device.platform === 'Android')
scheme = '';
navigator.startApp.start(scheme,function() { 
//alert("found 2013");
function() {  
 template: "Please Install Lync",

you can also do app availability check using it:
navigator.startApp.check("", function(message) { /* success */
    console.log("app exists: "); 
function(error) { /* error */

additional details can be found in the github page.

to allow other apps to open your app, you can define custom url scheme for your app:

ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-customurlscheme --variable URL_SCHEME=mycoolapp

mycoolapp:// is the url scheme of your app for ios.
if you want to do it manually, open xcodeproj file and add string URL Identifier in info.plist.

more details at:

for android:
add scheme in data node under activity->intent-filter.
<activity ....>
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
         <data android:scheme="myapp" />


please comment if you have any queries/inputs.

set variables outside angular scope

if you need to assign to variables outside angular/ionic control, we need to use $apply function.

$scope.$apply(function() {
                          $scope.myFiles = userfiles;
 $scope.myFilesLength = $scope.myFiles.length;

this scenario came when i am doing the assignment in an callback function.

var AppControllers = angular.module('starter.controllers');

    //alert("in before enter downloads");
var FileStoredLoc = fileSystem.root.toURL()+"/LP/";
var dirEntry = fileSystem.root.getDirectory("LP",{create:true},gotDir);//fileSystem.root;

function gotDir(dirEntry){
            var dirReader = dirEntry.createReader();


function success(entries){
            //var AppDir = FileStoredLoc;//fileSystem.root.toURL()+"/LP/";
            var userfiles=[];
            for( i=0;i<entries.length;i++)

            //var myf=["a.1","b.2"];
            $scope.$apply(function() {
                          $scope.myFiles = userfiles;
 $scope.myFilesLength = $scope.myFiles.length;
template: "Unable to open File" ,
<ul class="list">
            <li ng-repeat="File in myFiles" class="item" ng-click="openFile(File)" ng-if="File != '.DS_Store'">
<div align="center" ng-if="myFilesLength == 0" style="color:white">


download files using ionic/cordova

to download files using cordova, install filetransfer plugin

>ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer

var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();,StoragePath,function(storedurl){ //code goes here});

FileURL - path from which you need to download the file
StoragePath - storage location after download
function(storedurl) - function call back after downloaded & stored

access phone memory using ionic/cordova

for reading internal memory we need the below cordova plugin

1. cordova-plugin-file
to install
>ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file


                                                 var FileStoredLoc = fileSystem.root.toURL();

requestFileSystem on succes returns FileSystem handler. using which you can refer any file/directory in the memory.

To find if a file/directory exists in phone memory:


directives in angularjs/ recognize click of a hyperlink in a dynamic text using angular JS

I will demonstrate use of directives using the example of recognizing a hyperlink click from a dynamic text.

About directives
To attach custom behavior to html, directives can be used. angular uses a lot of directives.
ng-model, ng-controller, ng-app are default directives provided by angular.

to learn more about directives read:

var AppControllers = angular.module('starter.controllers');

           //your code goes here

<div class="myClass" ng-repeat="myShorttext in myDetailsArray" mylink-dir>
    <p><a href="">link</a></p>

Basically i wanted to find clicks on hyperlinks in the div above. so i have attached a directive my div.
The text inside the div is dynamically coming i will not have control (for understanding purpose wrote a p and a inside the div).

Now, in link function i will find click on each element and filter for anchor clicks.
if( === 'a')
   var ce = event.href;//gives me href of anchor and i do different actions based on url

i will have above if condition in my link function mylinkDir div. so all clicks will be detected and filters for anchors click.

in this kinds of scenario's directives comes handy.
scope of directive is throughout the app. so it can be used in any controller.
$scope will not be available inside a directive.

we can have directives in 4 levels.
E : Element
A : Attribute
C : Class // css class
M: Comment  //it can also recognize comments in code.

in angular2, ng-controllers are deprecated and use of directives encouraged for all the purposes.

please comment for any queries/suggestions.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Getting started with MongoDB

MongoDB is a NOSQL document database. it doesnt have any RDBMS tables, schema's, relations between tables etc.

read few other from:

lets get started with MongoDB setup.
its simple few steps after installing is required.
Here i am writing installation steps for windows

1. Get MongoDB installer from
2. Install it to your machine, so it will be defaulted to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\
3. To run MongoDB you first need to run mongo.exe from command prompt:
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin

it will give you an error saying "exception in init.....".
Mongo runs as a client-server architecture. so first you need to start mongod.exe - mongo server then the client mongo.exe
Makesure that you have admin privileges


it will give you another saying listen() bind() failed.
mongo needs a data path to store all the files. So you need to add the datapath in-order to start the server.

create folder named data and give its path.

mongod.exe --dbpath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\data"

now server will be waiting for connections. so now you can start your mongo client.

mongo.exe from another cmd prompt.
you will see a cmd prompt this way

which means you are connected to mongo.
now note the following basic commands of mongo:
db - shows current database
show dbs - lists all databases

run these two to make sure you are connected to mongo.
this is cool. but every time running two two exe's is boring.
so, keep mongod as windows service so that it will run in background everytime.

mongod.exe --dbpath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\data" --logpath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\data\log.txt" --install

this install mongod -mongo daemon as service. but it wont start mongod service.
to do that use
net start MongoDB


to make it little more easier, add C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin to PATH environment variable so that you need not traverse to program files every time.


Saturday, 30 January 2016

How cordova works?

Cordova invokes Web-View of your mobile OS.
Its like a web browsers.So it cannot actually directly talk to any of the native features.

But Cordova allows you to talk to most of the native features.
Cordova fills the gap by having a standard JS interface implementation.

In your Cordova plugin under www folder, there will be your JS interface file.
which has a method call cordova.exec()
ex:exports.coolMethod = function(arg0, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, "mytest1", "coolMethod", [arg0]);

where success is the call back for successful cordova plugin call,
           error is the call back for failure call,
           "mytest1" is the native class which plugin will call,
           "coolMethod" is my method name in my interface/class
           [arg0] is the argument array to pass to my method.

So from java script you are making a call to native class mentioned in your exec method.
corodova will do that for you.

platform support for cordova can be found here:

How exactly Cordova does that i couldnt found in google.


Create Custom Cordova plugins using plugman

creating custom plugin is sometimes needed when working on hybrid apps.
creating a custom plugin manually is not so easy as it needs a
1. XML
2. JS interface

If we plugman, its very easy as plugman creates most of your XML and JS interface.
follow the steps below to create one:

1. Install Plugman
2. Create plugin with Plugman
3. Add a package.json to plugin
4. Add platforms
5. Edit your method name in JS and XML files
6. Install using plugman to check if everything is correct.

1. Install Plugman
using CLI it is quite easy to install any plugin.
use the following command to install plugman.

npm install -g plugman

2. Create plugin with Plugman

plugman create --name <pluginName> --plugin_id <pluginID> --plugin_version <version> [--path <directory>] [--variable NAME=VALUE]
ex:plugman create --name Super --plugin_id "" --plugin_version 0.0.0 --variable description="Awesome PLugin"

this will create a plugin.xml and src/, www/ folders required for your plugin.
3. Add a Package.json
Creates a package.json file in the plugin based on values from plugin.xml.
 plugman createpackagejson <directory>

4. Add platforms
plugman platform add --platform_name=ios
This will add the <platform> tags to the plugin.xml as well as create an ios/ source folder in src/

5. Edit your method name in JS and XML files
the above command creates a js entry with name coolMethod in js and xml files
edit them according to your needs.

change the method name and make sure that the name matches the name in your src class.

6. Install plugin to a project to verify
plugman install --platform ios --project /Users/praveenseela/Desktop/Team/Praveen/custom\ plugin/testprj/testprj/platforms/ios/ --plugin /Users/praveenseela/Desktop/Team/Praveen/custom\ plugin/SaveBase64 

install plugin specific to a platform of your cordova project

if everything is correct it will not throw any errors.

in your project js file, you should be call be able to call your method using:
cordova.plugins. SaveBase64.yourMethodName

this way using plugman the burden of creating xml and js interface is simplified.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Interesting and Useful Perl Operators/Commands/Operations

my-for local variable declaration
# - Comment
$-Scalar variable
eq- equals to operator for string operations
ne-not equals for string operators

=~ - contains or matches part of a string

!~ - doesnt contains or matches 

~~  - to check if the variable is in an array
ex: $ModelText ~~ @CompletedModels

ex: s/a/b/g - will replace all occurrences of a with b

foreach my $a(@AnArray)
    #like all other foreach loops

Opening a File
my $filepath = "<urpath>";
#opens the file and stores it handler to varFileHandler variable
#to move the file handler to point to first line, first character
#close file
Open File for writing
open JSONOut,">$FilePath" or die "cant open json to write";

Working with CSV files
declare CSV package at the top.
use Text::CSV;
install it using PPM-Perl Package Manager.
in cmd, type: ppm install Text-CSV

then get the csv separator.
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ sep_char => ',' });
then, parse
then, split it
my @fields = $csv->fields();

Some Common useful operations in text processing:
remove beginning and trailing white spaces: $TempVar =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g
remove special chars like \r \n: chomp($TempVar);

sub PrintJsonAttrib
    #print $_[0].$_[1];
    print JSONOut "\"".$_[0]."\"".":"."\"".$_[1]."\"".","."\n";

i am using this function to print out the 1 and 2nd argument of my function.
$_ - contains the arguments. its like argv array in c.

Call/Connect to SharePoint from C# with NLTM authentication

I need to call a rest service hosted in SharePoint 2010 from C# .Net.
SharePoint uses NLTM authentication. So basic authentication wont work.

Initially i tried using
1. HttpClient
2. WebRequest
3. HttpWebRequest

My trail codes:
                // validate cert by calling a function
                //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateRemoteCertificate);
                var creds = new NetworkCredential("<domain\un>","Password");
                string myreq = @"{ProgramID:6}";
                String MyURI = new Uri("<myserviceurl>").ToString();
                WebRequest WReq = WebRequest.Create(MyURI);
                WReq.Method = "POST";
                WReq.Credentials = creds;
                    var res = WReq.GetResponse();
string jsonRequest = "<myServiceUrl>";

                HttpWebRequest spRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(jsonRequest);
                spRequest.Credentials = credCache;
                spRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+5.0";
                spRequest.Method = "POST";
                spRequest.Accept = "application/json; odata=verbose";
                HttpWebResponse endpointResponse = (HttpWebResponse)spRequest.GetResponse();
                var handler = new HttpClientHandler{Credentials = creds};
                using(var http = new HttpClient(handler)){
                    http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json;odata=verbose");
                    //http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-RequestDigest", digest);
                    http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-RequestDigest", "digest");
                    http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-HTTP-Method", "POST");

                    var mediaType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
                    //var jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
                    //var jsonFormatter = new JsonNetFormatter(jsonSerializerSettings);
                    //var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage<T>(data, mediaType, new MediaTypeFormatter[] { jsonFormatter });
                    StringContent content = new StringContent(myreq);
                    content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json;odata=verbose");//, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    //content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json");
                    //content.Headers.ContentLength = myreq.Length;

                    http.BaseAddress = new Uri("<serviceurl>");
                    resp = http.PostAsync("serviceurl",content).Result;

The below has worked: using CredentialCache
                string json = "{\"ProgramID\":\"6\"}";
                HttpWebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(MyURI) as HttpWebRequest;
                req.Method = "POST";
                req.ContentType = "application/json";
                req.ContentLength = json.Length;
                CredentialCache credCache = new CredentialCache();
                credCache.Add(new Uri(MyURI), "NTLM", new NetworkCredential("<un>", "Password"));
                req.Credentials = credCache;
                using (StreamWriter requestStream =new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream()))


                HttpWebResponse myres = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(myres.GetResponseStream()))
                    var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Saturday, 16 January 2016

Host Domain from resgistrar any in GoDaddy

1.       Get GoDaddy Hosting IP
2.       Update above IP in DNS File zone on your other Godaddy Domain
3.       If your domain is from other seller, update the above IP in that DNS account. i.e. if you get it from bigrock, update IP in bigrock’s DNS record.
                1.       To get IP of your hosting
a.        go to Domains -> Manage
b.      Your domain name-> DNS File zone.
c.       Under A (HOST) IP opposite to @ is your IP to point
d.      Your name servers will be at the bottom etc..
2.       To update Hosting IP in Domain account records
a.       Go to domains in your account where you purchased your domain
b.      Click on that domain and click on DNS file zone there.
c.       In @ record, under actions click Edit.
d.      Enter the IP from your hosting account (from step 1)

e.      Finish and save changes.

Adding Domains to your GoDaddy's Hosting

For Hosting multiple websites under same hosting plan in Godaddy, you should have Deluxe or Unlimited account. With that follow the steps below to finish the set up:

For adding domains to your deluxe hosting account:
  •  Go to my hosting
  • Click on Web Hosting-> manage
  • Click on manage against your hosting account name cPanel (linux)
  • Under Domains-> Add Domains
  • Enter domain name and add FTP for easy upload of your files

After that you need to point that domain’s DNS to GoDaddy Hosting IP and URL (of your hosting account).