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Monday, 23 July 2018


Google is working on launching a new OS for anything that could fit under Google’s tech umbrella starting from smart phones, smart speakers to laptops and IoT devices.

It’s an attempt to get entire Google’s ecosphere under one operating system.


Few points I came to know while reading about this:

  • Android was built before iPhone was release. Android was built for the use in Digital cameras later due to iPhone launch it was repurposed.
  • Flutter SDK (with Dart programming language) can be used for building apps for new OS as well along with iOS, Android and desktop.
  • Its following micro kernel approach.
  • Its built-on top of Zircon micro kernel. (read this & above link if you want to recollect some names from Operating System subject in Bachelor’s)
  • Microsoft has tried building another operating system called Sigularity.

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Statistics basics - 1

if("you are an absolute beginner in data science") 
        One simple line which summarizes the various works in data industry is "Data Science, Data   Analytics, Machine learning etc are different sides of the same multi-sided polygon".
        If you are aiming to step into any of these a strong understanding of statistics will help to pioneer. Statistics expertise is mandatory for data scientist, machine learning experts where as basic is OK for other roles.
       Role of statistics in understanding, analyzing, automated decision taking is inseparable. So, Set your mind to read, learn, understand and apply statistics to see great success in data industry.
      To construct a giant, sustainable building, its foundation should be strong. similarly, strong understanding of statistics is necessary for anybody in data industry. so, let strengthen the basics of statistics.
will touch up on:
  1. Central Tendency
  2. variance, standard deviation
  3. Distributions, Normal distribution
  4. Confidence intervals, degrees of freedom
1. Central Tendency:
          A measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying the central position within that set of data.They are also classed as summary statistics. The mean (often called the average) is most likely the measure of central tendency that you are most familiar with, but there are others, such as the median and the mode.
a. Mean(Average)
        The mean is equal to the sum of all the values in the data set divided by the number of values in the data set. So, if we have n values in a data set and they have values x1, x2, ..., xn, the sample mean, usually denoted by  (pronounced x bar), is:
Ex: Mean for a given set can be computed as follows: 
  • Mean can be calculated for both continuous and discrete data as well.
  • It is the only center tendency measure which considers each data input.
  • It suffers with Outliers.
b. Median
       Median is the middle value in a sorted data set. For a data set with even number no.of elements, average of both the values will be the median
x = [23, 40, 6, 74, 38, 1, 70]
sorted_x = [1, 6, 23, 38, 40, 70, 74]

Median is 38.
  • unlike mean, it doesn't suffer much because of  outliers
c. Mode
         Most common value in the data set. Mode is most useful when you need to understand clustering or number of ‘hits’. For example, a retailer may want to understand the mode of sizes purchased so that he can set stocking labels optimally. Say, store A has a mode of ‘small’ while store B has a mode of ‘XXL’.

Based on type of variables, we need to choose the right central tendency measure. Cheat sheet for it is,

 Read about types of variables here.

Now, we have read about measures of central tendency. i.e. What is the central value of the data set. It talks about center values, doesn't talk about how data was spread. To understand that, we need to consider,
  1. Variance(σ^2)
  2. Standard Deviation (σ)
Unlike range and quartiles, the variance combines all the values in a data set to produce a measure of spread.
 1. Variance
variance is a measure of how spread out a data set is.Variance is the average of the squared differences from the mean. 

Variance (S2) = average squared deviation of values from mean
Difference is squared to avoid cancelling of values above mean and below mean.
As the inputs are squared, units are not same for Variance and the data. 
Standard Deviation, is the Square root of the variance.

2. Standard Deviation:(σ)
        It measures spread around the mean. Because of its close links with the mean, standard deviation can be greatly affected if the mean gives a poor measure of central tendency. Understanding Standard deviation is very important to understand the data spread. its the one referred in six sigma technique.
       The data set with the smaller standard deviation has a narrower spread of measurements around the mean and therefore usually has comparatively fewer high or low values. An item selected at random from a data set whose standard deviation is low has a better chance of being close to the mean than an item from a data set whose standard deviation is higher.
Generally, the more widely spread the values are, the larger the standard deviation is.
       Although standard deviation is less susceptible to extreme values than the range, standard deviation is still more sensitive than the semi-quartile range. If the possibility of high values (outliers) presents itself, then the standard deviation should be supplemented by the semi-quartile range.

If x bar = mean, σ = standard deviation and x = a value in the data set, then
  • about 68% of the data lie in the interval: mean - σ < x < mean + σ.
  • about 95% of the data lie in the interval: mean - 2σ < x <mean + 2σ.
  • about 99% of the data lie in the interval: mean - 3σ < x < mean + 3σ.
Next Posts:
3. Distributions and Normal distribution:

4. Confidence intervals, degrees of freedom

Friday, 16 March 2018

Flutter and Dart

Google has released a new Hybrid framework for developing mobile apps named FLUTTER. It’s based on their new programming language called DART.
It’s official website: . As it is hybrid don’t think as like cordova but non-cordova i.e. no-bridging (external) SDK.

Its inspired by FB’s react native but it takes hybrid apps to another level in terms of performance and development speed. Here is a detailed analysis, don’t miss it. Article focuses on the anatomy of Dart and Flutter.

A point of note is that google claiming it will be a big hit as it is not just for mobile but it revolutionizes web development.  Dart 2 is out now and It’s interesting…

Friday, 23 February 2018

fix bootstrap errors with angular 4

Uninstall bootstrap@4.0.0-beta.3:
npm uninstall bootstrap --save
Then installed bootstrap@4.0.0-beta.2:
npm install bootstrap@4.0.0-beta.2 --save


upgrade angular cli from 1.6.3 to 1.7.0-rc.0. but this has some problems with fonts

but issues coming up with both, click events aren't working for hamburger in mobile view.

so, i finally felt better to go with ng-bootstrap or the mdbootstrap (material design). material isn't yet in a production mode. 

here are the steps to install ng-bootstrap.

  1.  npm install --save @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
  2. add the following to algular-cli.json - styles:[], so it would be styles:["../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css", "styles.css"]
  3. start using the angular bootstrap components looking at: